In the event you are under administrative investigation (LEOBR) please contact the Union’s LEOBR attorney.
Emergency and After Business Hours contact
Lodge President George L. Paugh, III
Phone 410-200-1970
A Police Officer under investigation has L.E.O.B.R. protections, among these are:
The right to be represented by counsel during questioning. Please make contact with the Union Attorney immediately.
Generally you have ten (10) days to obtain counsel. If you are ordered to give a statement without counsel,
please indicate on your statement “WRITTEN PURSUANT TO ORDER, I DO NOT WAIVE ANY L.E.O.B.R. RIGHTS”
then give the written statement if required.
You have the right to be informed in writing of the nature of the investigation.
DEADLY FORCE: These cases are initially investigated by C.I.B. Consult the Union Attorney prior to making a statement. If you witness another Officer using deadly force, request to meet with the Union Attorney, otherwise, this attorney may be prevented from seeing you. Avoid talking to anyone about deadly force until you obtain counsel.
Maryland Annotated Code Index:
To review Maryland’s LEOBR statue go to the above link. Then click on the Public Safety Article and go to Title 3 – Law Enforcement, Subtitle 1 for the LEOBR statue.